What is Camel Hair Fabric – Camel Wool vs Sheep Wool Fibers

Throughout history, camels have been integral to human survival and progress, especially in arid regions where other animals couldn’t thrive. Today, they continue to serve us in surprising ways. One such way is through the production of camel hair fabric, a versatile and luxurious material that has found its way into the fashion and textile industries.

The Importance of Camels in Human History

Camels, particularly Bactrian camels, have been companions to nomadic Bactrian camel breeders across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa for thousands of years. They’ve provided transport, milk, and meat, and their hair has been used to create a variety of goods, from tents and carpets to clothing. The camel’s ability to withstand harsh climates and travel long distances made it an invaluable resource, helping to shape the history and cultures of many societies.

A Detailed Look at Camel Hair & Fabrics

Camel hair, often termed camel wool, is an incredibly soft and lustrous hair derived from the undercoat of Bactrian camels. This hair naturally sheds during the camel’s molting season, typically in late spring. Each camel can produce approximately five pounds of hair a year, a combination of coarse guard hair and soft undercoat fibers. Camel hair fibers are collected, separated, and spun into yarn, which can be woven or knitted into a variety of products.

The softness and warmth of camel hair make it an attractive option for knitters and textile manufacturers alike. As a natural fiber, it has excellent thermostatic properties, providing insulation in cold weather while remaining breathable in warmer conditions. Despite its softness, camel hair is strong, making it a durable choice for clothing and other textile products. While the cost of camel wool production can be higher than other natural fibers, many find the quality and longevity of the material to be worth the investment.

Types of Camels and Their Hair

Two main types of camels exist: the Dromedary camel, with one hump, and the Bactrian camel, with two humps. Camel hair fibers, especially those used for textiles, are primarily sourced from the Bactrian camel. The Bactrian camel wool is composed of two types of hair: the guard hair and the undercoat.

The guard hair is the outer layer, coarser and longer, and it serves as the camel’s primary protection against environmental factors. This thick coat of hair is often used for making more robust items like carpets and tents. On the other hand, the undercoat is the shorter, finer hair that provides the camel with insulation against the cold. This undercoat is the source of the soft, luxurious camel hair used in high-grade fabrics.

Grading of Camel Hair Fibers

Camel hair fibers are graded based on their softness, length, and overall quality. The highest-grade fibers come from the camel’s soft undercoat, which provides the warmest and softest wool. Medium-grade camel coat fibers are slightly coarser but still provide good warmth, while low-grade fibers are the coarsest and are typically used for more durable products such as carpets and upholstery.

Camel Hair Fabrics

Camel hair fabric is wool derived from the soft undercoat of the Bactrian camel. The fibers are hand-washed to remove any dirt or vegetable matter and then spun using an industrial spinning machine into yarn suitable for weaving or knitting. The natural fibers are incredibly soft, providing a luxurious feel that is often compared to other luxury wools like cashmere.

The fabric retains the same characteristics of natural hair, offering excellent insulation properties and durability. It’s not uncommon to find camel hair blended with other fibers like merino wool or cashmere to enhance these qualities. The resulting fabric is used for a range of items, from winter coats and suits to blankets and carpets.

Gathering and Production of Camel Hair


The majority of the world’s camel wool is produced in Mongolia and China, particularly in the Mongol Steppes region where large populations of Bactrian camels naturally shed their hair. These same nomadic tribes that have bred and cared for Bactrian camels for centuries are also the primary producers of camel wool. The collection and production of camel wool provide an essential source of income for these communities.

Camel hair is typically collected in the spring when Bactrian camels naturally shed their winter coats. The soft undercoat is combed out or picked up from the ground where it has fallen. This method of collection is non-invasive and does not harm the camel, making it a more ethical choice compared to some other animal fibers.

Once collected, the hair is cleaned to remove any dirt or vegetable matter. It is then sorted by grade, with the softest and finest hair being the most valuable. The hair is then spun into yarn, either by hand or using an industrial spinning machine. The resulting yarn can be woven or knitted into a variety of products, from clothing to carpets.

Camel Hair vs. Wool

Camel hair and sheep wool are both natural fibers that have been used for centuries to make clothing and textiles. However, there are some significant differences between them. Camel hair is generally softer and warmer than sheep wool, making it a preferred choice for high-end, luxury clothing items. It also has a natural light tan color, unlike the white color of most sheep wool fibers.

While both fibers can be dyed, camel hair accepts dye in much the same way as wool fibers, allowing for a range of vibrant and long-lasting colors. Despite its many advantages, camel hair is not as widely available as sheep wool and tends to be more expensive, which can make it less accessible for some consumers.

How Does Camel Wool Impact the Environment?

As a natural fiber, camel wool is biodegradable and renewable, making it a more environmentally friendly choice than synthetic fibers. The process of gathering camel hair is also less invasive than that of sheep wool, as the hair is typically collected during the camel’s natural molting season. This makes camel wool a more sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

How Much Does Camel Wool Cost?

Camel wool is considered a luxury product due to its high quality and limited supply. The cost of camel wool can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the hair, the process used to collect and produce the wool, and the location of production. Generally, high-grade camel wool can be more expensive than regular sheep wool but when talking about pure cashmere, and camel hair, it’s a little bit cheaper.

Camel Wool Care and Cleaning

Caring for camel wool products is essential to ensure they stay in top-notch condition for years to come. Here are some simple steps to help you maintain the quality and longevity of your camel wool items:

  • Hand Wash with Care: Camel wool is best cared for by hand washing. Use cold water and a mild detergent. Avoid harsh chemicals or hot water, as they can damage the delicate fibers and change the texture and appearance of the fabric.
  • Gentle Handling: Be gentle when washing camel wool items. Avoid vigorous scrubbing or wringing out excess water, as this can distort the fabric.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: After washing, ensure you rinse the camel wool item thoroughly to remove all detergent residues.
  • Avoid Machine Washing: Never machine wash camel wool, as the agitation and heat can cause shrinkage and damage.
  • Air Dry: It’s best to air dry camel wool items. Lay them flat on a clean, dry towel to maintain their shape and prevent stretching or distortion. Avoid hanging them, as this can cause the fabric to stretch out of shape.
  • Storage: When not in use, store your camel wool items in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Use breathable storage bags or containers to prevent dust and pests from damaging the fabric.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your camel wool products remain soft, luxurious, and in excellent condition for a long time.


In conclusion, the story of camel hair and its transformation into luxurious fabrics is a testament to the deep-rooted connection between humans and these resilient desert creatures. Throughout history, camels have played indispensable roles in societies across arid regions, providing not only transportation, sustenance, and shelter but also the raw material for exquisite textiles.

Camel hair, harvested during the molting season, is a remarkable natural resource, boasting softness and warmth that rival even the most coveted luxury wools. Its unique properties, such as excellent insulation and breathability, make it a favored choice for high-quality garments and textiles. While the production of camel wool may come at a higher cost than other fibers, many discerning consumers find the investment in quality and longevity to be well worth it. As we reflect on the history and craftsmanship behind this remarkable material, it’s clear that camel wool is not just a fabric; it’s a timeless connection between humans, nature, and the enduring spirit of the desert.

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